

2013/01/01 ~ 2014/12/31
經 歷財團法人惠民醫療救濟基金會董事長財團法人鄭德齡醫學發展基金會常務董事財團法人心臟醫學研究發展基金會財團法人鄒濟勳醫學研究發展基金會常務董事財團法人陽明醫學教育基金會董事台北市立關渡醫院經營管理委員會委員台灣醫院協會理事台灣醫學中心協會常務理事公立醫院協會常務理事高雄市醫師公會常務理事高雄市源遠醫事協會常務理事高雄市醫師懲戒委員會委員高雄市政府醫事審議委員會委員高雄市基督教高榮教會理事中華民國文化資產發展協會常務理事國際醫院聯盟籌備委員高雄榮民總醫院 院長台北榮民總醫院外科住院醫師、總醫師台北榮民總醫院心臟血管外科主治醫師、代理科主任台北榮民總醫院心臟血管外科主任台北榮民總醫院高雄分院外科部主任高雄榮民總醫院副院長兼心臟外科主治醫師國立陽明大學醫學院外科講師、副教授、教授台灣外科醫學會理事長獲頒榮譽奬項1978.11.12台北榮總優良醫師1979.11.12台北榮總優良醫師、衛生署優良醫師、北市醫師公會優良醫師1983.10.31.輔導會好人好事代表1982.10.行政院為民服務榮譽獎1983.11.12.台北榮總優良醫師1984.9.28.中華民國十大傑出青年1990.11.12.台北榮總優良醫師1993.7.13.輔導會模範公務人員1998.7.18.行政院革新楷模1998.9.良師益友會十大傑出醫師2000.11.24.國防醫學院傑出校友2001督導高雄榮民總醫院榮獲九十年度行政院整體服務類服務品質獎2003.6.領導高雄榮民總醫院抗SARS成功,並榮獲行政院頒發抗SARS有功醫療機構獎座及個人感謝狀高雄榮總院長任內(2003年~2007年)榮獲獎項2003.3.1榮獲行政衛生署91年度醫療網站評獎「優良網站」。2003.9.16高雄榮民總醫院對「孤獨核熱中暑蛋白調節麩氨酸接受器參與熱休克心血管保護作用機轉」之研究,榮獲行政院核定為91年度「行政院傑出研究獎」甲等獎。2003.12.24高雄榮院「改善加護病房患者導尿管留置作業」及「提昇母乳哺餵率」建議案,榮獲92年度行政院暨所屬各機關建立參與暨建議制度行政類入選獎。同時榮獲醫策會「第四屆醫品圈發表暨競賽活動」醫金獎及醫銅獎。2004.11.19高雄榮院榮獲行政院研考會評選為「優質英語生活環境」特優單位,獲頒特優獎座及標章。2004.12.14高雄榮院導尿管留置作業改善工作圈榮獲行政院銀斧獎。2005.3.22高雄榮院辦理飲食生活圈委外案(ROT),於行政院控期限內完成簽約,依據促進民間參與公共建設辦法,經審核榮獲「績效卓著」獎牌一面及獎金4萬元。2005.8.16放射線部、核醫科及行政管理部門(含醫務企管室、人事室、會計室、工務室、總務室、資訊室、社工室、補給室、政風室)共11個單位通過ISO 9001驗證。2005.10.17正子造影中心(PET)ROT案「績效卓著」。2005.11.1第六屆「法制再造工作圈競賽」,連續兩年獲榮獲「銀斧獎」。2005.11.5志工隊榮獲94年度全國衛生保健績優志工團體獎。2005.11.8志工隊榮獲「高雄市衛生保健志工志願服務業務考評甲等」。榮獲高雄市政府94年度績優防火管理場所機構。高分通過95年醫學中心暨教學醫院評鑑,經衛生署、教育部95年7月5日衛署醫字第0950211335號、台高(二)字第0950096079B號公告評定為醫學中心暨甲類教學醫院。 2006年9月9日榮獲經濟部能源局「節能獎」。精神部-封暴圈及護理部-圓緣圈參加醫策會95年『第七屆全面醫療品質提升競賽活動』雙雙榮獲醫銅獎。2007.03本院病理檢驗部榮獲ISO15189『醫學實驗室認證』。2007,2008連續二年榮獲讀者文摘『信譽品牌』金牌獎。研究論文發表Cheng KK , Chang CL , Lee TY : A new disinfectant-resiguard . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 6:45-50 , 1973Liu Y , Cheng KK , Yu JC : Subclavian- subclavian bypass for the subclavian steal syndrome . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 7:132-135 , 1994Cheng KK , Yu JC : Migration of broken sewing needle from left arm to heart . Chest 67 : 626-627 , 1975Sung IS , Cheng KK , Yu JC : Mycotic aneurysm . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 8:209-216 ,1975Huang YH , Cheng KK , Yu JC : Ostium secundum atrial septal defect associated with mitral regurgitation-report of two cases . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 9:230-233 , 1976Cheng KK , Liang KH , Yu JC : Abdominal aortic Aneurysm complicating with abdominal aortic dissection . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 10:129-132 , 1977Cheng KK : Valve replacement with procine xenograft . Clin Med 1:8-12 , 1978 Peng SG , Liang KH , Cheng KK : Dissecting aneurysm of thoracic aorta . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 11:255-264 , 1978Chang H , Liang KH , Cheng KK , Yu JC , Chiang BN ,Chen YT : Left atrial myxoma-report of five cases . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 11: 324-331 , 1978Cheng KK : Current states of cardiovascular surgery at the Veterans General Hospital . Clin Med 3 : 85-87 , 1979Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ : Valve replacement with Carpentier- Edwards biopro-sthesis . Southeast Asian J Surg. 3:80-89 , 1980Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ : Surgical correction of ventricular septal defect-A comparison of transventricular and transatrial apporach . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 13 : 7-13 , 1980Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ : Vascular emergency : I . Acute arterial embolism . Clin Med 5 : 110-115 , 1980Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ , Liu Y : Vascular emergency : I I . Vascular injury . Clin Med 5 : 283-291 , 1980Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ : Vascular emergency : I I I . Acute venous thrombosis . Clin Med 6 : 166-173 , 1980Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ , Lai ST , Lin YL : Vascular emergency : I V . Mycotic aneurysm . Clin Med 7 : 223-228 , 1981Yu TJ , Cheng KK , Leong KH , Lai ST , Lin YL : New concept in surgical treatment of portal hypertension . Clin Med 7 : 229-238 , 1981Hwang IS , Cheng KK , Lin YL : Surgical induced right bundle branch block after total correction of Tetralogy of Fallot . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 15 : 1-6 , 1982Chou HT , Chiang BN , Cheng KK : Significance of vegetations on two-dimensional echocardiography in patients with infective endocarditis . Chin Med J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 29 : 240-252 , 1982Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ , Lay ST , Lin YL , Kuo SM : Surgical management of thoracic aortic aneurysm . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 15 : 88-97 , 1982Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ , Lay ST , Lin YL , Kuo SM , Yu JC : Surgery of abdominal aortic aneurysm . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 15 : 260-265 , 1992Yu TJ , Lin C , Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yang CF , Chang T : Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) in management of peripheral arterial occlusive diseases J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 15 : 274-284 , 1982Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ , Lin YL , Kuo SM , Chiang BN , Lee SS , Chang MS , Chen YT : Surgery of acquired valvular heart disease-a six years experience . Chin Med J 31 : 250-264 , 1983Yang CF , Chang JM , Lai ST , Cheng KK : Subclavian steal syndrome treated by percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA)-three cases report . Chin Med J 32 : 261-267 , 1983Yu TJ , Cheng KK , Leong KH , Lin YL , Lai ST , Kuo SM : Transabdominal esophageal mucosal transection by using an auto-suture device (Takasago F-3000) in management of bleeding esophageal varices . J Formosan Med Assoc 82 : 536-545 , 1983Lai ST , Kuo SM , Lin YL , Yu TJ , Cheng KK : Quantitative segmental pulse volume recorder : clinical evaluation of peripheral atherosclerotic occlusive arterial disease . Chin Med J 32: 273-281 , 1983Lai ST , Cheng KK , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Lin YL : Successful treatment of penetrating injury of the heart-a Report of two cases . Chin Med J 32 : 545-550 , 1983Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ , Lai YL , Kuo SM , Chiang BN , Meng CCL , Wang BT : Ventricular septal defect with aortic incompetence . J Formosan Med Assoc 82 : 1288-1292 , 1983Cheng KK , Yeh SH , Lai ST, Leong KH : Assessment of non-invasive diagnostic methods in the diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis of lower limbs . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 17 : 23-29 1984Cheng KK , Chao ZC , Lai ST , Yu TJ , Lin YL , Kuo SM , Yang CF , Chang T : Experi-ence of management of the subclavian steal syndrome . J Formosan Med Assoc 83 : 477-490 , 1984Lai ST , Chao ZC , Kuo SM , Lin YL , Yu TJ , Cheng KK : Reversed autogenous saph-enous vein bypass graft for ischemic limb salvage . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 17 : 139-145 , 1984Cheng KK : Cardiovascular surgical emergency . Clin Med 14 : 307-313 , 1984Cheng KK : Modified technique for insertion of left atrial pressure catheter J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 17 : 326-328 , 1984 Chao ZC , Lai ST , Weng ZC , Kuo SM , Yu TJ , Cheng KK , Huang TP : Assessment of A-V shut with P.T.E.F. graft . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 17 : 329-334 , 1984Lin CI , Chiang BN , Cheng KK : Positive inotropic effect of acetylcholine in isolated human atrial fibers . Internal J Cardiol 6 : 743-746 , 1984Kuo SM , Lin YL , Lai ST , Yu TJ , Cheng KK : Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 18 : 24-29 , 1985Lin YL , Cheng KK , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Lai ST , Leong KH , Meng CCL , Hwang BT , Peng YY , Shu LP : Pacemaker implantation in a neonate with maternal systemic lupus erythematous and congenital heart block-- a case report and review of literature . Southeast Asian J Surg. 8 (2) : 208-211 , 1985Chao ZC , Lai ST , Weng ZC , Kuo SM , Yu TJ , Cheng KK : Right atrial aneurysm –a case report . Chin Med J 36 : 336-339 , 1985Cheng KK , Lai ST : Clinical observation and assessment of doxium in the treatment of varicose vein . Clin Med 16 : 394-396 , 1985Lin CI , Chiang BN , Chiu TH , Cheng KK : Electromechanical effects of cafeine in isolated human atrial fibers . Cardiovasc Res . 19 : 727-733 , 1985Lai ST , Chao ZC , Weng ZC ,Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Cheng KK : Vascular reconstruction for treatment of cerebral vascular ischemia caused by innominate artery stenosis : a case report . Chin Med J 35 : 428-432 , 1985Cheng KK , Leong KH , Yu TJ , Lai ST , Lin YL , Kuo SM , Weng ZC , Chao ZC : Results of surgical repair of ventricular septal defects—a ten years experience . Acta Cardiol Sinica 1 : 167-171 , 1985Yu TJ , Cheng KK , Leong KH , Lai ST , Lin YL , Kuo SM , Weng ZC , Yu JC : Long term results of valve replacement with mechanical valve . Acta Cardiol Sinica 1 : 274-280 , 1985Hou ZY , Lin CI , Chiang BN , Cheng KK : Electrophysiological effects of low PH in human atrial fibers . J Mol Cell Cardiol 18 : 109-112 , 1986Lai ST , Cheng KK , Chao ZC , Weng ZC , Kuo SM , Yu TJ , Yang CF : Vascular recons-tructive surgery for aortoiliac occlusive disease . Chin Med J 37 : 20-26 , 1986Lai ST , Cheng KK , Chao ZC : Doppler ultrasound evaluation in clinically suspected deep vein thrombosis . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 19 : 18-23 ,1986Chao ZC , Cheng KK , Lai ST , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Weng ZC : Diagnosis and treatment of postoperative pulmonary embolism . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 19 : 96-104 , 1986Cheng KK , Wang SP , Yu TJ , Lai ST , Kuo SM , Weng ZC : Coronary bypass surgery versus percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty . J Formosan Med Assoc 85 : 783-789 , 1986Chao ZC , Cheng KK , Yu TJ , Lai ST , Kuo SM , Weng ZC : Postoperative care of cardiac surgical patients . Clin Med R.O.C. 18 : 169-183 ,1986Lee BP , Cheng KK , Chiang ST : Effects of changes in pulmonary arterial blood flow on ventilation in dogs . J Formosan Med Assoc 86 : 1-10 ,1987Lai ST , Cheng KK , Chao ZC , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Weng ZC : Animal experimental studies of vascular electric thrombosis as a treatment for varicose veins . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 20 : 96-101 , 1987Cheng KK , Lai ST , Yu TJ , Kuo SM : Postoperative deep vein thrombosis in the Taiwanese Chinese population . Am J Surg. 153 : 302-305 , 1987Lai ST , Cheng KK , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Weng ZC : Effiicacy of streptokinase and heparin in the treatment of deep vein thrombosis and subsequent follow up of pulse volume recorder assessment . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 20 : 202-209 , 1987Cheng KK , Lee BP : Effects of pulmonary obstruction , various pulmonary blood flow and right atrial to pulmonary bypass on cardic and pulmonary function : experimental studies . Acta Cardiol Sin 3 : 29-38 , 1987Hou ZI , Lin CI , Chiu TH , Chiang BN , Cheng KK , Ho LT : Somatostatin Effects in Isolated Human Atrial Fibers . J Mol Cell Cardiol 19 : 177-185 , 1987Lin CI , Chuang IN , Cheng KK , Chiang BN : Arrhythmogenic Effects of Theophlline in Human Atrial Tissue . Int. J Cardiol 17 : 289-297 , 1987Lai ST , Cheng KK , Chao ZC , Kao CH : Vascular electric thrombosis as a method of treatment for varicose veins . J Formosan Med Assoc 86 : 679-683 , 1987Chang Y , Cheng KK , Lai ST , Yu TJ , Weng ZC , Chao ZC , Kao CH : Noninvasive diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis-evaluation of pulse volume recorder score . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 21 : 81-86 , 1988Cheng KK : Cardiac transplantation . Clin Med 21 : 333-338 , 1988Lin SN , Lai ST , Chen MT , Cheng KK , Chang LS : Treatment of vasculogenic impotence by corporeal reveascularization and/or ligation of deep dorsal vein : A preliminary report . Chin Med J (Taipei) 41 : 211-216 , 1988Lai ST , Cheng KK , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Cheng MS , Weng ZC , Chang Y , Lee PC : A comparative study of urokinase and heparin in the treatment of deep vein thrombosis . Chin Med J (Taipei) 42 : 99-104 , 1988Lai ST , Cheng KK , Chao ZC : Autoperfusion of kidney with Pruitt-Indahara shunt in renal vascular reconstruction-A case report . Vasc Surg 22 : 280-283 ,1988Lee PC , Cheng KK , Lai ST , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Cheng MS , Chang Y , Chien KY , Chang SY : Vascular reconstruction in surgery for tumor resection . Chin Med J (Taipei) 42 : 281-288, 1988Lai ST , Cheng KK : Angioscopy assisted intraoperative transluminal angioplasty : Preliminary report . Vasc Surg 22 : 373-379 , 1988Yu TJ , Cheng KK , Lai ST , Kuo SM , Weng ZC , Chang Y , Lee PC : Current status of surgical treatment of portal hyertension . Clin Med 21 : 71-76 , 1988Lai ST , Cheng KK , Cheng MS , Yu TJ , Chang Y , Lee PC , Chao ZC , Kuo SM , Weng ZC : Clinical experience of prostaglandin E1 in the treatment of severe chronic peripheral arterial occlusive disease . Clin Med 22 : 109-114 , 1988Cheng KK , Yu TJ , Lai ST , Kuo SM , Chang Y , Lee TY , Chen JL : Experimental study of heart transplantation . Acta Cardiol Sin 4 : 329-334 , 1988Yu TJ , Cheng KK , Lai ST , Cheng MS , Kuo SM , Chang Y , Lee PC : A new operation for the management of gastric varices bleeding . Chin Med J (Taipei) 43 : 49-56 , 1989Hou ZY , Lin CI , Vassalle M , Chiang BN , Cheng KK : Role of acetylcholine in induction of repetitive activity in human atrial fibers . Am Physiol Societ H 74-84 , 1989Kuo SM , Cheng KK , Yu TJ , Lai ST : Hematologic effect of postoperative oxygenatorn blood reinfusion-blood conservation in cardiac surgery . J Surg. Assoc 22 : 7-14 , 1989Chao ZC , Cheng KK , Lai ST : Interoperative arteriography in the immediate assessment of peripheral arterial surgery . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 22 : 107-13 , 1989Lai ST , Cheng KK , Chao ZC , Cheng MS , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Weng ZC , Chang Y , Lee PC : Early diagnosis and treatment of deep thrombosis . Clin Med 23 : 469-479 , 1989Cheng KK , Weng ZC , Lai ST , Yu TJ , Chao ZC : Assessment of new suture material : polybutester (Novafil) J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 22 : 220-224 , 1989Cheng KK , Yu TJ , Lai ST , Kuo SM , Weng ZC , Chang Y , Chan JL , Yang AH , Chang MS , Wang SR , Lee TY : Human heart transplantation-A report of two cases . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 23 : 412-415 , 1989Weng ZC , Cheng KK , Lai ST , Chian H , Yu TJ , Kuo SM : Experimental implantation of human umbilical vein graft in dogs . 89 : 171-176 , 1990Yu TJ , Cheng KK , Yeh SH , Chiang JH : Radionuclide transit studies for esophageal function before and after esophageal transection and devascularization . J Formosan Med Assoc 89 : 784-791 , 1990Ho CH , Chan WK , Yu TJ , Cheng KK : Diagnostic value of glycosylated hemoglobin in intravascular hemolysis after cardiac sugery . Eur J Haematol 45 : 139-142 , 1990Cheng KK , Lai ST : Ventricular assist device . Clin Med R.O.C. 26 : 446-449 , 1990Lai ST , Cheng KK , Kao CH : Current status of early dignosis for peripheral vascular disease in a modern vascular laboratory . Clin Med R.O.C. 26 : 421-432 , 1990Lai ST , Cheng KK , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Weng ZC , Chang Y , Lee PC , Cheng PC : Clinical indication and experience of vascular endoscopy . Clin Med R.O.C. 26 : 433-441 , 1990Chang Y , Cheng KK , Lai ST , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Weng ZC , Chang Y , Lee PC , Cheng PC , Chan JL : Total artificial heart . Clin Med R.O.C. 26 : 442-445 , 1990Lee SD , Tsai YT , Hwang SJ , Wu JC , Yuag CH , Cheng KK , Lo KJ : A prospective study of post-transfusion non-B(Type C) hepatitis following cardiovacular surgery in Taiwan . Journal of medical virology 33 : 188-192 , 1991Lai ST , Cheng KK , Cheng PC : Prostaglandin E1 for treatment of chronic arterial occlusive disease in stage III and IV . J surg. Assoc R.O.C. 24 : 483-493 , 1991Chen SA , Chang MS , Benjamin N. Chiang , Cheng KK , Lin CI : Electromechanical effects of angiotensin in human atrial tissues . J Mol Cell Ca 23 : 483-493 , 1991Lai ST , Cheng KK : Results of angioscopy-assisted intraoperative transluminal angioplasty of the iliac and femoral artery . Chin Med J (Taipei) 48 : 25-30 , 1991Cheng KK , Yu TJ , Lai ST , Kuo SM , Weng ZC , Chang Y , Chan JL , Yang AH , Lee TY : Animal study of heart and lung transplantation -- preliminary result -- , Acta Cardiol Sin 7 : 15-19 , 1991Lin CI , Wei J , Cheng KK , Ho LT : Electropharmacological effects sandosatin in human atrial fiber . Int J Cardiol 31 : 313-318 , 1991Hwang JH , Lai ST , Cheng KK , Cheng BC : Iatrogenic vascular injuries . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 24 : 538-44 , 1991Cheng BC , Cheng KK , Lai ST , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Weng ZC , Chang Y , Lee PC : Long turm result of P.T.F.E. graft for hemodialytic vascular access . J Surg. Assoc R.O.C. 25 : 1070-1076 , 1992Cheng KK , Chang Y , Lai ST , Yu TJ , Kuo SM , Wong ZC , Yu RJ : Valve replacement surgery : immediated and long-term result . Cont Med Edu 2 : 557- 564 , 1992Kuo SM , Kang PL , Lyun JJ , Cheng KK , Hsieh KS , Meng CC : Surgical repair of ventricular septal defect without ventriculotomy in the first 12 month of – life . J Formasan Med Assoc 91 : 400-404 , 1992Kuo SM , Kang PL , Lyun JJ , Cheng KK , Hsieh KS : Repair of ventricular septal defect in infants without ventriculotomy . Austral As J cardiac thorac surg. 1 : 27-30 , 1992Wong JN , Doong JS , Chiang ZC , Cheng KK , Kao TM , Cheng KC : Improvement of quick connectors for four major blood vessels in phoenix total artificial heart . Chin J Med Biol Eng 12 : 233-240 , 1992Yang MW , Wang CY , Lin SY , Chen KH , Lee DY , Yu TJ , Cheng KK : Verification of the tip position of the intra-aortic ballon pump catheter by perioperative transesophageal echocardiography . 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